Thursday, November 19, 2009

Senate Health Care Bill & CBO Scoring

by Bruce Webb

The new Senate Health Care Bill (big PDF) and the CBO Score. The outlines were reported last night, an $894 billion bill offset with enough taxes and fees to produce a $127 billion ten year reduction in the projected deficit, plus another $650 reduction in the ten years after that. (Traditionally CBO limits itself to 10 year scores, but the Republicans asked for a longer time frame for the stimulus bill, goose and gander). Also widely reported, but not quite correctly was the news that the bill would extend coverage to 94% of all Americans, or alternately all American citizens. In fact once you include Medicare and exclude illegal immigrants the actual coverage for legal American residents rises to 98%.


mdeals said...

Actual coverage for legal Americans resident rises to 98%..... i think its false ...........the real percentage is 82%...

Bruce Webb said...

Current percentage is around 82% for non-elderly legal. But close to 100% for people over 65. Combined after reform will be 94% for non-elderly legal and 98% combined. According to table from CBO. I think you are confused.